Well, there's Sergei, my husband of thirteen years. We met in Ukraine when I took a year off from college for a missions trip. He was my, umm, interpreter. Sergei is a minister, a student (he's on the ten year plan for a MA, J/K Serg!), a great papa, a real believer and my best friend.

Zoya follows eighteen months behind Elaina (yea, I was that lady pregnant on the floor changing a diaper!). Zo loves science and art. She's self assured and kind. She is the family teller of jokes. When Zoya was a baby and a toddler she clung to me. I envisioned her still wrapped around my leg as an adult. But one day, when she was ready, she took a step out on her own into her own skin. And thankfully, she comes back from time to time for kisses and hugs, but this kid is going places.
Polly is five years old. Her extra chromosome, a stroke, a diagnosis of Moyamoya syndrome and two brain surgeries under her belt haven't slowed her down one bit. Polly is fun and kind and ready for anything. She recently told me that she needs to learn how to write her name because Baby Bop is learning on Barney. By the way, I've been watching Barney for TEN YEARS. Ugh. At night when Polly goes to bed I sing to her "You are my sunshine." I am sunburned from loving Polly.
And Ms. Evangeline. Evie is four years old. She came to our family through International Adoption with Reece's Rainbow, an organization dedicated to helping kids with Down syndrome all over the world find forever families. People can't tell which child is adopted, Evie fits in with her light complexion and corn silk hair. Although in many ways we are still getting to know one another, my heart is tethered to this little girl.