My daughter is going into 3rd grade in the Fall. I am excited for this year in her life. This past year has been difficult for her and my prayer is that a new school, a new teacher and new friends will be wonderful for her.
She is strong willed. That might be putting it mildly! She is full of creativity and is constantly thinking of new things to do and act out. She talks nonstop and often shares her thoughts that she should probably keep to herself.
As her mama, it is tiring! I want her to express herself and be who God is making her to be. But I see the looks in friends eyes or I see those same eyes roll and each time I find myself trying to correct her speech or explain her actions to a bewildered crowd.
She's creative! She's intelligent! She's strong! She's a leader! But they see strange. A know-it-all. Opinionated. Bossy.
I wish there was a formula for moms- that just being good to your daughters was enough.
This past year of difficulty has taught me a ton about being my daughter's mom. I am learning to truly lay my concerns for her at the feet of Jesus. I am striving to pray more and correct less. I am learning to focus on the strengths of her personality and I am learning to trust God with her weaknesses.
The most important lesson that my Heavenly Father is sweetly teaching me is that HE is enough. HE is the one who made my girl. HE delights in her. HE has a plan for her.
If I truly believe this to be true, then I have to release my desires to change her and to make her respond the way that I want her to. As I release these things, I begin to see the work of the Holy Spirit in her life.
We had a sweet time together this past week as we snuggled in her bed at bedtime. She cried a little and told me that she was so thankful that I was her mommy. As I breathed in the sweetness of that moment, I thanked my Father for His work in my life.
HE is the one who is making me and shaping me into the mom that he wants me to be. I'm growing right along with my girl.
There isn't a formula for how to raise the perfect child. But there is a God who promises to lead us and guide us along the way. And every once in awhile, He has a way of reminding us that HE has the power to change hearts.
Thank you Father for your work in my life. Thank you for changing me and making me into the woman that you want me to be. Thank you for the work that you are doing in my daughter's life and for the sweet reminders that you have a plan for her! Amen.
Interested in guest posting at Pocket Lint for a Friday Feature? Email me at gillian@rcn.com. Let's talk!
Sometimes I wonder if I'm just royally messing my kids up. My oldest used to be spunky and fearless and now she's afraid to try new things and has become shy. Is that the normal progression for some kids, or did I correct her too much an snot allow her to be who she was meant to be? I guess I'll never know. Us mothers just need to keep asking God for guidance.
ReplyDeleteIt was no mistake that God made you HER mother! I think that so much of it has to do with stages- the normal progression that you talked about. Keep trying to give her opportunitites to try new things in a safe way. Don't be too hard on yourself. But don't be afraid to admit when you are wrong. I am seeing evidence of how that goes a LONG way!
ReplyDeleteAnd you are right- we need to keep asking God for guidance! I love that he loves our girls even more then we do!!!