Tuesday, January 26, 2010


In the midst of washing throw up off the living room walls, in between drop-off and pick-up at two schools and four different classrooms, in spite of brain surgery scheduling, canceling, rescheduling, figuring out how to apply for a social security card, Wii tennis matches, tears, prayers, and Monday night meatloaf, something else has been happening.

Evangeline is starting to get a spark in her eye.

I'm not going to lie. I had started to doubt.

But something new is budding in my relationship with our youngest daughter. Evie is initiating eye contact not only at home but also in her classroom. For over a week now she comes to me at least once a day for a long cuddle. She laughs when Sergei walks in the door and goes to him for a kiss.

Interestingly enough, due to living conditions outside my control and my inability to stay on task, our usual routine with Evie regarding her therapy (joint compressions, brushing, swinging, bouncing on a ball, etc...) has fallen by the wayside lately. The only thing I've had enough time or energy to do is love her.

I didn't want to write about it because it's new and so incredibly encouraging to this frumpy, frazzled and tired mother (who overheard her oldest daughter tell someone she was turning 45 in March instead of 35...ugh). But I know that I must share this, regardless if it will disappear next week and she goes back to rocking off to the side by herself all day. If I'm going to write about the struggles in our adoption process I must let you know about the joy too.

And recently in all this craziness known as my life, Evie's heartfelt smile at me is proof of redemption; that God is doing what he promised by taking two strangers and molding them into a mother and a daughter with all their delays and faults and failures and happiness; the actual instruments in the conversion.

Sometimes I get mad at Sergei because he doesn't have 'therapy play time' with the kids. In an effort to defend his honor (and to make an excuse for not paying attention to therapy goals) Sergei insists his focus is on 'love' therapy (i.e. sitting on the couch and doing nothing but hugging your kid).

I'm safe to admit it here because I know he doesn't read my blog regularly. Dang it, I think he's right.

I can swing Evie until the cows come home but what seems to be working the best is just being there.

And the real magic is she's there too...


  1. I have been praying for Evie! I don't comment much, but the Lord is so good to open her up! I pray it continues and little Evie can feel whole and loved.

  2. That is so wonderful, Gillian! I'm so glad you told us. I really believe that it is the "love therapy" that makes the most important difference to our kids. The other things seem to come much more naturally that way.

    Many prayers to you and your family. When you have a minute...could you write a book, too? :)

  3. so wonderful Gillian... I'll pray it continues and grows :)

  4. Brings tears of JOY to my eyes! So happy for you and Evie.

  5. I am SO, SO, SO happy that Evie is continue to emerge out of her own world. You are giving her a beautiful life; it has just taken her a little time to realize that it is exactly the life that she needs. It is the life that she has been waiting for, a life filled with people who care about her and fill her days with lots and lots of love therapy.

  6. I'm excited for you Gillian! You certainly do have your hands full right now, sounds like your heart is too. I've really enjoyed following along on your journey. Hope everyone at your house will get well and STAY that way! Hugs from me & Jack.

  7. It is the beginning of something that gets more wonderful and more challenging every day. I am so happy for you, it is like that first smile with a new baby isn't it, a reward after all those sleepless nights those first 3 months.

  8. Tears here too. Sweet sweet sweet. I'm so glad for you Gillian.....and for Evie.

  9. Thank you so much for this post. I'm smiling through tears. As Julie said above, I love your writing and someday it would be great if you could write a book. Your blog pulled me out of my initial gloom and you continue to be an inspiration.

    May blessings and prayers hold you this week and forever...

  10. May that little seed continue to grow and flower.

    Thinking of you all as you prepare for Polly's surgery on Thursday.

  11. I'm so happy for you. This brings tears to my eyes...love is BIG!! Hugs

  12. Gillian - I admire you for your Faith and strength... Don't ever doubt yourself. God works magically and your relationship with your newest daughter is a great example of God'
    s love in action. Reaching out across the miles, letting you know that you all are in my prayers.

  13. You girls warmed my heart this morning! So thankful and grateful that Evie is blossoming more each day!

  14. Happy tears for sure! I am so proud of you and Evie. You have both come a long way! And if "just love" is what she needs, then go for it! I'm glad you are seeing a sparkle in her eyes. So happy for you all. I will continue to pray that things stay in this direction and only improve from here!

  15. So happy to hear the news about Evie....I have payed close attention to you when you have spoken about the transition since we are about to make the same one in our home soon with Amy Joy. THRILLED that time and love have worked magic in your home.
    Still love that Polly girl, too. Praying for her!

  16. I don't know if you read my autism blog, but check it out. We have come so far in the last 2 1/2 years.

  17. Gillian, is Polly's surgery tomorrow? If so, know I am keeping her in my prayers.

  18. Well thanks so much for making me sob in the 5 minutes I had to come and check your blog! :) I am thrilled beyond words with the changes you are seeing. Praying for Polly right now as I type, too.


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